
Saarburg Elisa Desperado

The Kaizen Parkour Academy created an advertisement for the clothing shops Desperado and Elisa in Saarburg. Combining Parkour and fashion, the team managed to make an advertisement showing off Saarburg with its beautiful environment and its shops with a broad range of clothes.

Hygiene protocol

Endlech ass et souwäit, mir konnten den 1. September mat eiser neier Saison ufänken. Mir ware frou den Dënschden eis Intermediate- an Advanced-Gruppen erëmzegesinn. Wann Dir Iech umellt, vergiesst wegl. net eise Protocole d’hygiène duerchzeliesen. Et ass wichteg deen anzehalen, fir datt mir ee sëcheren Training fir jiddwereen dee matmëcht ubidde kënnen. Protocole d’hygiène Endlich ist […]

Registration now open!

Comite bild KPA

Registrations are ONLINE!! Be quick – the spots are limited! See training for more Information Register here

Info August 2020

Carlo Jump Precision

This post has been translated in the following languages: 1. LUX, 2. DE, 3. FR LËTZEBUERGESCH Léif Memberen, léif Elteren, An de leschten 8 Joer war de Parkour ënnert dem Numm „Kaizen Parkour Academy“ eng Sektioun vum Turnveräin „Cercle de Gymnastique Remich“ (CGR). Dat huet sech viru kuerzem geännert – ab der nächster Saison wäerte […]

Its official!

Comité Kaizen Parkour Academy Flip

🥳⚠️ GOOD NEWS ALERT ⚠️🥳Its official! The Kaizen Parkour Academy is now standing on its own feet as a new a.s.b.l. in Luxembourg/Schengen! Starting next season 2020/2021 we will no longer offer parkour courses at the “Cercle de Gymnastique Remich” (CGR). Everybody in our new commitee is hyped to start the classes, workshops and everything else on […]

COVID19 Update

Covid19 update KPA

This post has been translated in the following languages: (1) LUX, (2) ENG, (3) FR LËTZEBUERGESCH Léif TraceurInnen, léif Elteren, leider musse mir Ierch matdeelen, dass mir wéinst de folgende Mesuren di an der Hal an och dobausse wéinst dem Virus mussen agehal ginn, de Parkour-Training fir de Rescht vun der Saison ofsoen. Egal op […]


Carlo Jump 3

Due to COVID-19 we took the decision to cancel all training sessions and workshops until end of August . Also, the Gala on the 4th of April will not take place. Hopefully, we can start training again together . We’ll keep you updated! Please stay healty and safe – The Kaizen Parkour Academy

Springbreak 2020 Cancelled!


BIG NEWS THE KAIZEN PARKOUR ACADEMY, PKLUX, PKBETTEMBOURG will held a Workshop and show @ the Springbreak in the Luxexpo in Luxembourg City When? Friday 13th of March from 12-21PM Who can participate? Everyone can participate on our Workshops 😉 See you then, train hard and take care, The Kaizen Parkour academy